
March 26, 2024


In fact, 一些令人不舒服的问题可能是更严重的问题的征兆, such as infections, menopause, endometriosis and even cancer.

以下是女人最害怕问的七个问题 OB/GYNs,上面的答案是所有患者都应该知道的:

1. 当我打喷嚏或咳嗽时如何防止小便?

First of all, you are hardly alone. 数以百万计的女性经历过被称为尿失禁的非自愿失尿. 尿失禁是由于帮助控制或释放尿液的肌肉和神经出现问题. 凯格尔运动可以增强帮助憋尿的肌肉. If you have an overactive bladder, 你的医生可能会开一些药来阻断引起尿频和尿急的神经信号.

2. 阴道有气味、瘙痒或分泌物是怎么回事?!

“阴道炎”是一个医学术语,用于描述引起阴道感染或炎症的各种疾病. To maintain good vaginal hygiene, try to avoid frequent, long baths as well as hot tubs and whirlpools. 不要使用有香味或刺激性的肥皂,比如那些有除臭剂或抗菌作用的肥皂. 不要使用可能刺激阴道组织的有香味的卫生棉条或卫生巾. 避免定期冲洗,因为这是不必要的,会破坏正常的阴道菌群.

3. It hurts when I have intercourse. What can I do?

Pain during intercourse is very common. 在许多情况下,如果阴道没有足够的润滑,女性会经历痛苦的性生活. For others, 性交时疼痛可能是妇科问题的征兆, such as ovarian cysts or endometriosis. 如果你在性交中或性交后感到疼痛,你应该征求医生的意见. 

4. I'm just not in the mood. How can I improve my libido?

数以百万计的人或多或少都有性欲低下或性欲压抑的问题. 花几天时间检查一下你的日常生活方式,试着找出潜在的原因,比如糟糕的自我形象, anxiety about the act itself, 对关系的另一部分感到沮丧或沮丧. 可能导致性欲低下的医学问题包括心脏病, diabetes and untreated thyroid problems. Low testosterone or estrogen is also commonly linked to sex drive problems; postmenopausal women may be prescribed topical or oral estrogen. 您的医生可以帮助您确定医疗或其他问题,并指导您进行适当的治疗.

5. 月经量大或持续时间超过一周是正常的吗?

Menstrual cycles are not the same for every woman. On average, 月经周期每28天发生一次(大多数女性的周期在24至34天之间), and lasts about four to seven days. 但在时间和持续时间上存在很大差异,这仍被认为是正常的. Talk to your doctor if you have severe pain, especially if you also have pain when not menstruating; if periods have been heavier or more prolonged than what is normal for you, 或者如果你在绝经后或月经间隙有出血或点滴.

6. I think my partner cheated. Should I be tested for STDs?

If you think your partner has had oral, vaginal or anal sex with another person, 你最好去做一下性传播疾病的检测。. 许多人感染了性传播疾病,却从不自知. Three of the more dangerous STDS are chlamydia, gonorrhea and HIV, so talk to your doctor about getting tested.

7. 这些情绪波动/潮热/睡眠问题快把我逼疯了! Am I in menopause?

更年期可能发生在四五十岁,但在美国,平均年龄是51岁. 更年期的生理和心理症状可能会扰乱你的睡眠, cause hot flashes, night sweats and irregular periods, 降低你的能量,或者——对一些女性来说——引发焦虑、悲伤和失落的感觉.

这些变化的严重程度因女性而异, but for the most part, they are perfectly natural and normal. If you have any of these questions, talk to your GYN -- who can listen, 理解并帮助你解决其中的一些问题,让你感觉最好.


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